
Monday, January 24, 2011

Installing updates to NITDroid Gingerbread

Since quite a few are having trouble installing updates that are released, here is a (simple) way of applying those updates:

Download the updates and transfer them to /home/user/MyDocs/:


Follow these steps first to uncompress the bz2 files:
# root
# bzip2 -d gingerbread_update1.tar.bz2
# bzip2 -d gingerbread_update2.tar.bz2
# bzip2 -d gingerbread_superuser.tar.bz2

Now mount /and change directory to /and:
# mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
# cd /and
# tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread_update1.tar
# tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread_update2.tar
# tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread_superuser.tar

You will notice the files getting copied after every tar command above that you execute.

The last 2 are not tar files so u can just move them to their respective location:
# mv /home/user/MyDocs/LatinIME.apk /and/system/app
# mv /home/user/MyDocs/ /and/system/lib/hw/

Finally change directory and unmount:
# cd
# umount /and

I will try and update this post as and when new updates are released or best is to check and ask on NITDroid forum.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Installing NITDroid Gingerbread 2.3.1

Happy New Year people and specifically Nitdroiders who couldn't have expected better getting into the new year. Gingerbread *Experimental* version has been released. As always all credit goes to @dunkdebugger.Let me explain in my own words what Experimental means: "You should stick to 0.0.8/0.0.9 if you like listening to music, if you understand that voicecalls are still not possible/ready." If you are linux savvy then play around, thrash, install, uninstall as you please.

The steps for the light heart are pretty much the same as posted for NITDroid 0.0.9 xMasDroid:

# sudo

# cd /home/user/MyDocs
# wget

# bzip2 -d gingerbread.tar.bz2
# mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
# cd /and
# rm -rf * (this removes all the files from the old installation)
# tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread.tar

# cd /home/user/MyDocs
# wget

# dpkg -i nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb

Note: If you had previous installation on emmc then mount partition accordingly. Beware if you have just copied previous contents to internal /home and modified EXT to INT in item file then rm -rf * will wipe maemo folders as well.

Warning: Only and only follow the above instructions if you have a separate partition on emmc for /and or if you have it intsalled on sdcard.

For all discussions and help refer to the forum